Friday, April 10, 2020

Making Do

The car would not start. It had been towed away to be fixed. Emil brought the bad news to the other dolls, one or two at a time. First he told Billy, because Emil and Billy hang out together a lot, so he knew where Billy was.

Then Emil told Veronika, because it's important that you tell Veronika everything. She was in the workroom, picking out thread to go with her fabric.

Then he told Charlotte, because she was nearby, practicing her violin.

Then he told Jolena and Mariah, because they were sitting on the stairs, helping each other with their hair. (He didn't understand why the girls like to have long hair. It's so much trouble.)

He didn't tell Mandy. That was because The Writer had planned to take him shopping for Mandy's birthday present. The Writer had planned to take each of them to buy their presents for Mandy. Now that could not happen. Each doll had to come up with a "Plan B."

There were no stores close enough to walk or to ride their little bicycles. There was no bus that came down their street except the school bus, and Emil could not use the school bus to go to the store.

After Emil had explained the problem to each of the other dolls, he sat down and thought. What could he give Mandy for her birthday? He couldn't think of anything. He wondered what the other dolls were going to do.

He decided to ask them.

First Emil asked Billy. He found him messing with the camera phone where the light was good. He had Marmalade with him. The cat was sitting on a chair.

"What do you plan to give Mandy, now that we can't go to the store?" he asked him. 

"I came up with a great idea," Billy said. "I'm going to give Mandy a photo of Marmalade."

Emil agreed that was a great idea and told him so.

When Emil went back to Veronika, he found her looking through her fabric.

"What do you plan to give Mandy, now that we can't go to the store?" he asked her.

"I'm going to make Mandy some new leggings," Veronika replied. "I can have them done in time. I just have to find the stretchy fabric."

Emil thought that was a great idea and told her so.

Then Emil went back to Charlotte, who was putting her violin away.

"What do you plan to give Mandy, now that we can't go to the store?" he asked her.

"I've decided to play and record an Irish jig for Mandy," Charlotte said. "I can record it on the phone and send it to her, so she can listen any time she likes. It will remind her of the fun she had in Ireland."

Emil thought that was a great idea and told her so. "That could be just as fun for her as having something from the store," he said. "Maybe even better."

Emil went back down the stairs. Mariah and Jolena were still working on their hair.

"What do you plan to give Mandy, now that we can't go to the store?" he asked them.

"We have been talking about that," Jolena said. 

"When you have a problem," Mariah explained, "it helps if you can talk it over with someone. That gives you ideas." 

"Yes," Jolena agreed. "We have it all figured out. I'm going to bake Mandy her favorite cookies."
"And I'm going to give Mandy this," Mariah said, holding up a piece of paper with "I.O.U." written on it.

"It will be for the new knitting book Mandy has been wanting," Mariah said. "Then she and I can go to the store together after the car is fixed."

"What does 'I.O.U.' mean?" Emil asked.

"An I.O.U," Mariah explained, "is something you give someone when you don't have the real thing yet. It means I owe you something and will give it to you later." 

Emil thought about that. "I.O.U.," he said. "I owe you. I get it. Clever!"

Emil thought the girls had great ideas for presents for Mandy and told them so.

He decided to go off and think about what each of them had told him. Each doll had solved their problem in a different way. Some of them had used their special skills or talents. They had thought about Mandy and what she enjoys. They had put those things together. 

Emil thought about what Mandy was like and what she enjoyed doing. He knew Mandy liked to knit.

Emil knew that Mandy enjoyed being outdoors.

He knew she loved science and liked to do experiments.

Emil knew Mandy loved animals, especially Marmalade.

Emil thought about what he was good at doing. He could listen to animals and tell others what the animals were thinking. Aside from that, he didn't think he had any special talents. How could he use that to give something to Mandy? He thought hard. Then he thought about other things for a while, to see if that helped him come up with an idea.

That worked! "I know what I'll do!" Emil said to himself. "I'll ask Marmalade what Mandy would like!" He went off in search of the cat.

Marmalade was not in the hall with Billy anymore, but Emil found him curled up on one of the windowsills. The cat got up when Emil came in. He seemed to know already that Emil was needing something important from him.

"Marmalade," Emil said to the cat in his head, "What do you think Mandy wants for her birthday? I need something I can get without going out in the car." He looked at Marmalade and thought about Mandy's present.

Marmalade looked back at Emil and showed him a picture of a video playing on the tablet the dolls used. It was a new movie, about a girl who lived long ago.

Emil knew which movie it was. "That's perfect!" he whispered softly. "I can get that for her to watch on the tablet without going anywhere. I'll get The Writer to download it, and I'll give her the money. Thank you, Marmalade!"

Right before the party for Mandy Emil wrote a note telling her that her movie was now in the tablet movie library, and she could watch it any time she liked.

He wrapped the note in birthday paper.

Mandy was thrilled with all of her presents. She was happy that each doll had thought about what she would like and had managed without going anywhere. "Everything is so lovely," she said happily, as they cleared the dishes and wrapping paper. "You've all made my birthday so special. It means a lot to me. Thank you!"

Then she looked at Emil. "I do have one question, Emil. How did you know I wanted to have this movie? I never told anyone."

"A little birdie told me," Emil replied, trying to keep a straight face.

"I think that birdie was more likely a cat," Mandy replied, looking at Marmalade, who was watching from across the room, trying to a cat.

Veronika: Götz Classic Kidz Vroni
Mandy: Götz Happy Kidz Katie 2015
Jolena: Götz Happy Kidz Lena in Aspen
Charlotte: Götz Happy Kidz Anna in Paris
Mariah: Götz Happy Kidz Mariah, "Chosen" from My Doll Best Friend
Billy: Götz Happy Kidz Lily at London
Emil: Götz Happy Kidz Emilia
Marmalade: Purrrfect Cats from KTL

Note: No dolls were harmed during production of this blog. All dolls shown are Götz Happy Kidz or Classic Kidz. If you like these stories and are willing, please make a donation of any amount to a charity that supports pediatric cancer, such as CURE Childhood CancerSt. Baldrick's Foundation or St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
"The Doll's Storybook" is not affiliated with Gotz Dolls USA Inc. or Götz Puppenmanufaktur International GmbH.

Watch for the next story each Friday afternoon at 1:00 PM Pacific Time.

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Copyright © 2020 by Peggy Stuart

1 comment:

  1. I just love it Peggy! I think your wee muses help make these better every time! The photos are wonderful 😍. My favorite was them all around the table.
    Happy birthday, Mandy! My clan is very glad you moved in with The Writer.
