Friday, September 11, 2020

Composing Compost, Part Two

Mandy and Emil dumped the contents of the compost container into the compost bin.

In went the coffee grounds and the coffee filters and the onion peels.

In went the banana peels with no stickers.

In went the radish leaves.

When the container was empty, the dolls climbed up to look inside. 
"It isn't doing anything," Emil said.

"No," Mandy said. "It happens too slowly for us to see. It can take months. That's why we have two bins for compost. In a few months we will have soil we can use in the garden. It will feed the plants and help them grow strong and healthy."

"I've been wondering," Emil said, "how it happens. What causes it to change from garbage into soil?"

"Well," Mandy said, "Some kinds of tiny fungus––that's what a mushroom is––and some creatures called microorganisms––sort of like bacteria––do most of the work. Sometimes worms or little bugs, like pill bugs come and work on it, too, if they can reach it. Those are the bugs that sometimes roll up into a ball when you scare them."
"I've seen those!" Emil exclaimed.

"Yes," Mandy said. "We have them. If they can get into the bins, they will eat the garbage, and what they leave behind will be good soil for plants."
"So," Emil said, "the soil is pill bug poo."
Mandy laughed, as they closed the bin and climbed down. "I guess you could say that. Bug poo and other things left behind when the microorganisms do their work."
Emil looked at the bin. "These bins look like wheels," he said.

"Yes," Mandy agreed. "That's so The Writer's husband can take them off the stand and roll them around to mix up what's inside," she added. "That mixes the air with it, so the microorganisms can have enough air to work well."

"Does composting happen in nature?" Billy asked. "I mean, I know leaves in the woods fall to the ground. The trees must have been there for a long time, but there aren't that many leaves left on the ground that we can see."
"That's exactly what happens," Mandy agreed. "Everything that stops living gets composted, but it takes a long time. We can make it happen faster, if we do it right. That's why the bins are made so we can roll them around on the ground."
Mandy took the dirty bag out of the compost container pail. "This is dirty," she pointed out. "We'll wash it, so we can use it again."

They left the pail and the bag by the steps. 
"Come to the garden, Emil," Mandy said, "and I'll show you what the compost turns into."
The two dolls walked over to the garden. Mandy used a tool to dig in the soil, so Emil could see what it looked like. It was very dark and crumbly.
"This compost had grass clippings in it," Mandy said. "You can still see little bits of grass. Every time the lawn is mowed, the grass clippings are put into the compost with the garbage," she added, "but we don't put weeds in the compost bin, because weed seeds could sprout in the garden. The weeds go to the city, because they can compost in a way that kills the seeds."

Emil nodded. He had helped pull and dig up weeds. "I can see little bits of eggshell, too," he said, "but it's mostly nice black soil. Next year's garden will be even better! Maybe the squash we grow will be even bigger!" He was remembering the one they didn't notice until it weighed more than he does.

Mandy thought so, too. The more compost you make and add to the soil, the better it gets.
The dolls took the compost container pail and the dirty bag back into the house. They rinsed the dirty bag in the sink.

Mandy hung up the wet bag and got out another bag for the pail. "This is the bag we used last time," she said. "We have two, so we can rinse one and use the other one while it's drying."
"I see," said Emil. "That way you always have a clean bag!"
"Yes," Mandy agreed, "and we don't have to throw the bag away until it wears out. Then we wash it one more time and put it into the special plastic-bag recycling."
The two dolls put the clean, dry bag into the pail, and Mandy poked it down inside.

Then Emil helped her put the pail back inside the compost container, and together they moved it to its place under the sink. It was easier to put back than it had been to take out.
"Now you can help me with the eggshells," Mandy said. "It will be fun."
She brought out the little tub with the eggshells, and the two dolls climbed up onto the countertop. They moved the blender out and smooshed the eggshells over the blender container as they dropped them in.

They used the eggshell tub to get some water from the sink and pour it into the blender container.
"OK," Mandy said, as she put the lid onto the blender, "you can turn it on now."
Emil pushed the button.

The blades went around and around. The eggshells turned into liquid.

They put the liquid into another, larger, tub and then took apart and rinsed the blender container. When when it was clean, Mandy put the bottom of the blender container back on.

She rinsed the little tub that the eggshells had been in, so it would be clean, too.

Then she wiped it dry, put the lid back on and put it back under the sink, so it would be ready to collect more eggshells.

While Mandy was rinsing the eggshell tub, Emil got out the cleaning spray and cleaned the countertop everywhere the dolls had walked, so it would be clean for cooking food again.

It was almost time for Jolena to come back into the kitchen to cook supper. Emil saw the window in the dining room as he was walking through. He knew it looked out on the backyard. He climbed up on the windowsill. "Hey, I can see the compost bins from here," he said.

He sat down on the windowsill and gazed out the window. He thought about all the microorganisms busy turning the garbage into soil.

"Eat away, little microorganisms," he said. "Get busy and make that great soil for the garden!" Then he saw the playground equipment. "I wonder if I have time to swing on the swing before supper," he thought. How great it was to have room to play and room for a garden and room for composting bins!

Note to children: Dolls are very small, so to work in the kitchen they sometimes have to get up on the counter. They are very careful to wash the countertops after they are done sitting there or walking around on it. Real children should not be up on the counter, though. It is a surface for using your hands to prepare food.

Mandy: Götz Happy Kidz Katie 2015
Emil: Götz Happy Kidz Emilia

Note: No dolls were harmed during production of this blog. All dolls shown are Götz Happy Kidz or Classic Kidz. If you like these stories and are willing, please make a donation of any amount to a charity that supports pediatric cancer, such as CURE Childhood CancerSt. Baldrick's Foundation or St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
"The Doll's Storybook" is not affiliated with Gotz Dolls USA Inc. or Götz Puppenmanufaktur International GmbH.
Watch for the next story each Friday afternoon at 2:00 PM Pacific Time.

Pillbug image from Wikipedia "Armadillidium vulgare" page

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Copyright © 2020 by Peggy Stuart

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