Hi, everyone! Did you know that this is our two-hundredth story? Well, it is, so we have something very special for you.
Yes! Veronika and I put our heads together to think of something special for this milestone. Knitting and sewing for us is what got The Writer started writing the stories, so we decided to give you a fashion show using all of our designs.
The names of the designs are linked to where you can find the free patterns or instructions.
Please check with an adult before you start clicking on links, though. It's always best to do that when you're online, to make sure it's OK.
Mandy, why don't you go first, since you're our knitter.
Sure, Veronika! We'll start with the simple patterns first. First we have our Everyday Play dress. It's very simple. The stripes are made by using special yarn for knitting socks. This kind of yarn changes color, so it makes stripes as you knit.
There is a smaller size of this pattern that fits Pippa. It's called Everyday Play for Little Kidz Doll. There's a jacket that comes in both sizes. Pippa's is the Small Everyday Play Jacket.
For the larger size, we used Everyday Play Jacket.
If you're looking for something fancier, there's the Viipuri Dress. You say it like VEE-poor-ee. It's only in the size for the larger dolls, like us.
Sweaters or jumpers are very useful. This is our Wonderland Turtle turtleneck pullover. It's called a pullover because you just pull it on over your head, but dolls don't like to have things pulled over our heads, so all of our pullovers button down the back. So they're really pullovers in our imagination, then.
Pippa has the smaller size, Pippa's Wonderland Turtle.
This pullover is good for boys, too. Emil and Billy don't like dresses, but they like to wear turtleneck sweaters.
We have some other cardigans, too. This one is the Cables and Herringbones sweater. The pattern is a little more complicated, but fun for knitters who have been knitting longer.
Billy likes to wear a vest over his best shirt. This vest is called Dapper Doll. Girls like to wear vests, too, of course.
We also have a knitted polo shirt. It's called the Everyday Play Shirt. You make it just the same as the Everyday Play Dress, only it stops before you get to the skirt, and it has a collar.
Another sweater for knitters who have been knitting longer is this one, Lotte's Lotta Colors. You have to know how to knit with two colors at a time to make this one.
Almost the same, but smaller and with different motifs (moh-TEEFS)––those are the things that look like lines, flowers or stars––is Pippa's Chilly Days of Fall.
As I said, we don't like to have things pulled over our heads, so all of these sweaters that look like pullovers actually button down the back. That means you can turn them around and wear them as cardigans if you want.
Some sweaters are just made to open in the front, like this jacket of mine. It's called the Stavanger Cardigan. Instead of buttons, it has something called clasps to keep it closed.
That's all the knitted stuff. I'll let Veronika tell you about the sewing projects.
Thank you, Mandy! It's so nice having knitted things, especially when the weather is cool. Many really important items of clothing, though, are more often made from pieces of fabric that are sewn together, like pajamas. Pippa's Bedtime is the pattern we used to make Pippa's PJs.
All of us, even the boys, like these Easy Pajama Pants. There's only one pattern piece. You cut out two of them. You fold the fabric in half, place the pattern piece down on one side and then cut out both at the same time. You get two pieces that are mirror images of each other. That means that one piece looks like what you would see in a mirror if you held up the other. Besides the hems at the waist and the bottom, there are only three seams to sew. Elastic goes in the waist. Then you can sew a piece of cotton yarn in the front and tie it in a bow, so it looks like the pants have a drawstring.
The girls really like to have underwear, especially panties (or knickers). Dolls don't always come with panties. It's important if you wear dresses and skirts. The pattern we like is Gotz Doll Underwear and Bathing Suit. It has a camisole, (KAM-uh-sohl) as well. (A camisole is sort of a top to wear under your clothes, like an undershirt, only fancier.)
The panties and camisole are made from a sock. The socks we used for these came with lace around the cuff. It adds a nice touch, I think, at the bottom of the camisole.
We also make our bathing suits out of socks. We bought a package of socks that had different colors. It was easy to make a one-piece bathing suit.
You can also make a two-piece bathing suit using the top of the cuff for the top. These socks had animal faces on the heel of a very short cuff. Another nice touch we were able to use.
You may have noticed our pleated skirts in some of the photos with sweaters. They are all made from the Lotte's Pleated Skirt Instructions. You can do the pleats different ways. If the fabric has lines in it, like a plaid, you can follow the lines to make pleats. There are instructions included for Pippa's size. too.
We like to put the buttons on the other side for the boys.
Children can learn to knit and to sew with a sewing machine. There are videos online to help you learn, if you don't have an adult handy who can teach you, but check with your grownups first to make sure it's OK. All of the patterns we have are free. There are lots of sewing and knitting patterns. Many are free, like ours, and most of the ones that you have to pay for don't cost that much.
Well, that's our fashion show. We hope you enjoyed it. Maybe you will do some knitting or sewing for your dolls, too. If you do, it will make them happy.
Well, Veronika, that went well, I think.
Yes, Mandy, it did, and it was fun.
Veronika: Götz Classic Kidz Vroni
Mandy: Götz Happy Kidz Katie 2015
Jolena: Götz Happy Kidz Lena in Aspen
Charlotte: Götz Happy Kidz Anna in Paris
Mariah: Götz Happy Kidz Mariah, "Chosen" from My Doll Best Friend
Billy: Götz Happy Kidz Lily at London
Emil: Götz Happy Kidz Emilia
"The Doll's Storybook" is not affiliated with Gotz Dolls USA Inc. or Götz Puppenmanufaktur International GmbH.
Watch for the next story each Friday afternoon at 1:00 PM Pacific Time.
Copyright © 2022, 2025 by Peggy Stuart
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